
Policy Review for Realization of the Integrated and Equal Society
Type Basic Period 2007
Manager Jungmi Hwang Sangsu Ahn Insoon Kim Gibok Baek Date 2008-01-03

Korean society today faces a new situation in many aspects. Starting from the democratization movement of the 1980s to financial crisis in 1990s, accelerated globalization process has reshaped economic and systematic structure of South Korea along with fundamental premises. The most serious problems from the phenomenon is the intensified conflict between different groups due to differences in views and attitudes which has caused symptoms of unexpected social conflicts.
These new aspects of Korean society can be interpreted as a symbol for a complete democracy, free from authoritative social operation and charged with free debates and discussions. But, if the expression of different opinions results in biased conflicts, it is not the righteous transformation process for democracy. The new reality brought forth by the changes should be directly confronted. Hence creating policies necessary for social integration is an urgent political task. This study attempt to identify and eliminate factors hindering integration of the society to foster integration of the society. The study also intends to seek methods for society's integration at a cultural, conscious dimension instead of a systematic perspective.    
Internal and external changes of the environment should be considered in achieving forward-looking integration of the society. Internal environment and historical event show that social integration of South Korea should include national assignments such as divided nation, difference in ideologies, and reunification unlike other countries. Second, conflicts between regions created from modernization process and conflicts between social classes stamped by social polarization should be closely examined. Third, the aftermath of democratization has allowed various, differing values to rise to the surface. And this caused conflicts in a cultural dimension. For external changes in environment, globalization should be examined foremost. Globalization initially affects the status of a nation-state. Influence of transnational entities that restrict sovereignty of a nation-state such as transnational corporations, international organizations, international laws, and NGOs functioning based on international relationship is growing. Transfer of commodities and resources beyond national boundaries is increasing, while transfer of labor power restricted by legal measures. Increase in immigration has brought new cultural issues in a society over time.    
Two important tasks to achieve social integration are as follows: First, how to combine diversity and difference increasing within a society and second, how to combine the principle of social integration with a democratic value called equality. Larger principle that needs to be recognized for the social integration can be summarized as establishment of justice, tolerance, and trust. Justice here goes beyond the allocation of physical resources and this is a concept discussed by A. Honneth and includes multi-dimensional recognition. Justice should be interpreted as a concept satisfying all of psychological, systematic, and physical dimensions. Tolerance is an essential virtue in a today's society necessary for understanding of differences caused by rapidly grown heterogeneity and for realizing equality. Complex conditions of Korean society should be closely looked at to determine proper level of tolerance necessary for recognizing differences and social integration. South Korea is still a low-trust society and the major problem of this aspect is the low trust towards government policies and systems. 
Political efforts need to be made in order to achieve forward-looking social integration, which includes diversity and difference, and social integration, which respects principles of justice, tolerance, and trust. First, "institutionalization of conflict resolution" is an essential element of such effort, which refers to diverse systematic paths for effective management of conflicts arisen in different areas of society. In other words, "institutionalization of conflict resolution" means establishment of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Building trust is necessary for preventing conflicts from the break fundamentally. Through media, increased participation of citizens in public discussion forums, expansion of trust education, and more opportunities to experience mutual trust experience in a regional society are the efforts to build trust.    
Basic direction for social integration, while accepting the difference, would be "partnership building." The reality that people have to coexist in a society despite of the cultural differences should be recognized. And instead of imposing assimilation on immigrants from overseas and North Korea, experience and ability of the immigrants should be reflected in the policy and diverse bridge programs should be implemented. Partnership building is not only important for overcoming differences existing in Korean society but also for resolving conflicts among different genders and generations. Efforts for partnership building would be partnership in workplace culture, partnership between man and woman in work-family policy, and implementation of education program for increased understanding of partnership. Forward-looking social integration does not derive from a unified support for a single ideology or policy but it can only be accomplished through the change of perception.

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