
Women's Human Resource Development and Labor Market: The policies for new government
Type Basic Period 2008
Manager Soo-mi Park Eun-jin Oh Sun-joo Cho Date 2008-11-28

The purpose of this study is to review women's labor market behavior, to examine relevant policies and to develop the policy implications. Although the social demand for women's labor force participation is increasing, participation rate is lower than in other OECD countries. Occupational segregation, gender wage gap and low employment status are still problematic factors present in the Korean labor market. Ongoing policies support women's labor market transition,  reentering after child rearing, vocational training and maternity protection, as well as the balance between work and life. In order to enhance the efficiency and equality of those policies, we suggest several policy programs and modifications. These include active labor market policies such as more effective vocational training for customized target groups. Amendment of relevant law and actions regarding labor protection and tax payment are included. We also recommend policies that support women's empowerment in business.

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