
South Korea's Strategy on Gender Equality ODA in the Post COVID-19 Era
Type Basic Period 2023
Manager Jiso Yoon Date 2023-12-29
Fiie 19_포스트 코로나 시대 대한민국의 성평등 ODA 전략 연구.pdf ( 1.89 MB )


South Korea’s Strategy on Gender Equality ODA in the Post COVID-19 Era

Jiso Yoon

Hye Seung Cho

Suyoun Jang

Bo Ram Min



In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which sets the plans for action over the next 15 years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet. The agenda also urges the international community to form a collaborative partnership to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Gender equality is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, as a goal in itself (SDG5), as well as a factor cutting across all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. However, the unprecedented crisis of COVID-19 that hit the world in 2020 has exacerbated various inequalities, including gender inequality. As a result, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is likely to be delayed.


As the global community prepares to pass through the pandemic and prepares to enter a new era, the solidarity and cooperation of the international community is urgently needed to closely monitor and analyze gender inequality that has worsened worldwide over the past three years and devise ways to build back better. In particular, South Korea is expected to play a significant role as it has established itself as a major donor in the international community through continuous expansion of its ODA since joining the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2010.


Our study focused on the two areas of women's economic empowerment and gender-based violence, which has an important impact on women during COVID-19, and looked at the current status of gender equality in developing countries and examples of international intervention to restore gender equality. In addition, we examine the characteristics of South Korea’s aid in support of gender equality before and after COVID-19, and propose the future direction of gender equality ODA in the post pandemic era.


Research areas: ODA, Gender-Based Violence and Safety, Work-Life Balance

Keywords: Gender Equality ODA, Gender and Development, COVID-19, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Gender-Based Violence(GBV)