
Comparative Research on Work-Family Balance Policy and it's Directions
Type Basic Period 2008
Manager Yun-Kyu Ryu Date 2009-01-06

The purpose of this paper is to identify specific policy projects for Korea’s work-family policy formulation and implementation through comparative policy research. For this purpose, this paper targeting working parents with children whose demand for work-family balance policy(WFBP) is urgently needed, WFBP is defined as “the policy that support the family life of working parents”.  
Firstly, international comparative research was conducted on work-family balance policy. Studying more than 20 OECD countries, their policies for childcare, parental leaves, working time policy, and cash/tax benefits system were studied based on the cross-country analysis. In Childcare services, three categories are the very important components; the accessibility, the affordability and the quality of services. Leave and working time policies have been recently highlighted, which can be defined as the endeavors to control working time in a balanced manner for acquiring family time Specifically, the nations have introduced longer time period for maternity, paternity, and parental leave, higher financial benefits and filexible working hours. Lastly, cash/tax benefits for child care applied as an indirect financial aid for working parents.
Secondly, empirical analyses were carried out in order to study the effects of the work-family balance policy. As a result, the subsidy for childcare, maternity leave, and higher financial benefits were found to have positive effects on work-family balance.
Thirdly, the work-family balance index was developed in order to measure work-family balance policies in each countries and employees’ status. For this purpose we developed index in two levels. The policy index was developed in macro level, also the personal perception index was developed in micro level.
Based on the results above, the following policy suggestions were provided: The child-care support policy is the most fundamental element to WFBP. More diversified services customized to meet a variety of parents' needs, especially ‘after-school childcare services’, need to be further promoted. In leave policy, the wage replacement  has to be raised, along with higher employment security.  In addition, the introduction of a paid paternity leave and the "daddy guota”system should be actively reviewed in order to encourage men’s participation in parenting. Flexible working time system should also be introduced and further promoted for reduction of working time.