Dong Sun, Lee | |||
Group | Division for Gender Mainstreaming | Position | General manager |
Major/Work | Public Administration(Public Policy) | Tel | 02-3156-7268 |
Education | Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea - Ph. D. in Public Policy, 2013 - M.A. in Public Policy, 2007 - B.S. in Statistics, B.A. in Women’s Studies, 2001 |
Career | - Korean Women’s Development Institute - Visiting Scholar in San Jose State University - Lecturer in Kookmin University, Sangji University, Seoul National University |
An area of study | Welfare Policy, Work-Family Reconciliation Policy, Organizational Behavior, Gender culture in organization | ||
Research performance | [Research Report] - Current Status and Challenges for Gender Equality and Diversity: With a Focus on NRC and Affiliate Research Institutes (National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021) - Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women & Families (Korean Women’s Development Institute, 2020/2019) - Policy Countermeasures for mitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Economy, Industry, and Society ( National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020) - Women in Korea 2019 (Korean Women’s Development Institute, 2019) - Analysis of the relationship between gender role recognition, gender division and women’s economic participation (Korea Labor Institute, 2019) - Survey on discrimination of pregnancy, childbirth and parents leaves (National human rights commission of the republic of Korea, 2018) - Research on Women Friendly City Development Plan by Implementation Stage (Korean Women’s Development Institute, 2017) - The Second long-term development plan for women’s policies in Ansan city (Ansan-Si, 2016) - A Study on Performance Analysis and Improvement Strategies for Gender-Equality City Project in 2015 (Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, 2015) - A Study on Developing an Information Knowledge Service Model to Support SMEs with Strong Potential Growth (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, 2014) [Publication] - Lee, Dong Sun(2017), The Effect of Organization Culture and Organization Character on Organization Commitment and Organization Stress - Focused on Moderating Effect of Gender -, Journal of Human Resource Management Research, 24(4):83-104 - Bang Jee, Chun & Dong sun, Lee(2017), The Effect of Work-Family Spillover on Organizational Attachment of Women Managers, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 18(2):514-523 - Lee, Dongsun(2016), Policies Effect for Work-Family Reconciliation on Women’s labor Force Participation: Adopting the Mixed Methodology, Social Welfare Policy, 43(1):259-284 - Lee, Dongsun & Rye, Man-Hee(2014). Gender Sensitive Analysis on Welfare-to-Work Policy: focusing on ‘The Hope-Reborn Project’, Social Welfare Policy, 41(3):259-282 - Dongsun, Lee & SookYeon, Won(2013), The Determinants of the Gender Wage Gap in the Labor Market: A Focus on Work-Family Reconciliation Policies, Korea Journal of Public Administration, 51(2):229-255 - Ryu, Man-Hee & Lee, Dongsun(2013), A Study on the Work Conditions and the Determinants of Performance in Self-Sufficiency Program, Social Welfare Policy, 40(4):219-242 - SookYeon, Won & Dongsun, Lee.(2012), The Effects of Work-Family Reconciliation Policy on Gender Gap of Labor Force Participation, Korean Policy Studies Review, 21(3) - Determinants of Gender Empowerment Measure as a index of gender mainstreaming, in J.K. Lee(ed), Gender budgeting in South Korea, HanWol Academy |