
Hyo Jean Song
Group Division for Family Policy Research Position General manager
Major/Work Laws Tel 02-3156-7094
Education Ph.D. Ewha Womans University
Career - Research Fellow, Korean Women’s Development Institute
- Member of Family Litigation Act Revision Committee of the Ministry of Justice
- Lecturer of Ewha Womans University
An area of study CIVIL LAW, FAMILY LAW
Research performance (Publication)
- Research on the Measures to Strengthen the Effectiveness of Women and Family-Related Legislations (2015, 2014)
- A study on the Improvements of the Legal System for Protection of Children of Multicultural Families (2015)
- A study on the Meaning of Abolition of Adultery from Family Policy Perspectives(2015)
- Ways to Develop and Enhance the Child Support Enforcement System (2015)
- Recovery and Support Plans for Women Affected by Disaster (2014)
- Evaluation and Improvement of the Act on the Registration, etc. of Family Relationship for the Past Five Years (2013)
- Geder-Sensitive Analysis of Court Decisions Related to Women and Families, and Future legislation (2012, 2013)