
Mi Kyung Moon
Group Division for Gender Equality Research Position Senior Research Fellow
Major/Work Public Administration Tel 02-3156-7103
Education - Ph.D. in Public Administration, University of Seoul, Seoul,  Korea
- M.A. in Public Administration, Korea University, Seoul,  Korea
Career - 2016. Civilian Member in the Joint Evaluation of the Government, Office for Government Policy Coordination   -  2016. Local Regulation Reform Division, Ministry of the Interior
- 2013-2014. Civilian Member, Government Performance Evaluation Committee, Prime Minister’s Office
- 2013. Member, Presidential Committee on Local Autonomy Development
- 7.2012-Present. Korean Women's Development Institute
An area of study HR/Organization, Policy Assessment, and Women’s Policies
Research performance - HR management plans to cultivate female managers in public office
- Ways to improve the effectiveness of management evaluation (, etc.) to enhance women’s representation in public agencies
- 2016 assessment of VAW (violence against women)-related facilities
- HR management plans in the Navy
- Ways to facilitate the use of alternative workforce to promote work-life balance
- Ways to promote affirmative action in the public sector (Ⅱ)
- Discrimination against those on maternity leave and flexible working hours system users in public office and related improvement measures
- Gender equality in central administrative agencies and policy issues  
- Affirmative action in Korea  
- Development of gender equality management indicators for the government and public agencies  
- Use of alternative workforce in the public sector resulting from part-time work and maternity leave  
- Development of a flexible working hours system manual to facilitate the use of female employees in the corporate environment  
- Introduction and promotion of a flexible working hours system in the business environment
- Ways to strengthen the core capabilities of female managers in the public sector
- Development of evaluation indictors for VAW (violence against women)-related institutions