
Eun Kyung Kim
Group Division for Gender Equality Research Position Research Fellow
Major/Work Political Science Tel 02-3156-7107
Education - Ph.D (2005)  Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea(South).  Political Science.
- M.A.(1997)  Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea(South).  Political Science.
- B.A.(1995)  Inha University, Incheon, Korea(South).  Political  Science.
Career - 2010 - 2016 Director, Center for the International Development and Cooperation, KWDI.
- 2002 - 2003 Fulbright Visiting Researcher of Institute for Research on Women(IRW), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,  U.S.   (Advisory Member)
- August, 2011 - present Civil member, Sub-Committee of ODA Evaluation under the International Development and Cooperation Council, PMO
- Spring, 2016 - Lecturer, Women Leaders and Leadership, Yonsei University
- August, 2012 - 2015 Lecturer, Gender and Development, KDI School
- August, 2011 - 2015 Gender Expert, KOICA (Feasibility Study Experience of ODA)
- 2014. 4. Capacity Building for Vietnam Women's TVET and Job Placement, KOICA  
- 2013. 4. Capacity Building for Local Health Program in Iloilo province, the Philippines. KOICA (Evaluation of ODA)
- 2015. 6. 30 - 7.4. Peer review on Gender Policy Assessment in Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan, OECD.
- 2014. 7. - 12. Evaluation of the Korean ODA Projects from the Gender Perspective, PMO.
An area of study Gender and Development, Women’s Political Representation, Gender Policy
Research performance [Academic Publication and Paper]
- A study on the WID/GAD and gender mainstreaming in gender and development: : comparative analysis on the development projects for gender equality of UN and MDBs in Southeast Asia, The Journal of Asian Women, Vol.54-2, 137-172.
- A Study on the Gender-sensitive Evaluation on South Korea's ODA Projects, The Women’s Studies, 2015. Vol. 88 No. 1, 281-325.
- Analysis of the Retirement Age Gender Gap and Gender Division of Labor in Vietnam, KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, 54(3), 2014, 285-319.
- Analysis on Southeast Asian Women’s Political Participation in Electoral System and Socio-cultural Factors: Case Studies in Cambodia and Indonesia, KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, 52(2), 2013, 177-214.
- Two Perspectives on Gender Equality Discourse in the Context of International Development: the Human rights-based Approach(HRBA) vs. the Economic Approach, in Gender Studies and Policy Review. 2012. Vol. 5. KWDI, Seoul. pp. 50-69.
- A Comparative Study of Electoral Gender Quotas in Sweden, Germany, and South Korea: Focusing on the Interplay of the Main Actors in the Processes of the Implementation of Quota Policies, in Asian Women, Spring 2008 Vol.24 No.1. pp. 75-100.
- Women's Policy and Democratization in Korea, Social Science Review, Vol.37 No. 2. 2006 Yonsei University. pp. 102-123.
- Gender Governance through the partnership building Between State and Women's Organizations, paper presented. Women's World 2005: 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. June, 19-24, 2005, Seoul, Korea.

[Research Publication]
(Research on ODA and International issues)
- Measures for Expanding South Korea’s Gender ODA (2015), Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.
- Strengthening Gender Equality Policy Infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific Region(I-V) (2011-2015), KWDI.
- Gender Agenda in the Post-2015 Development Framework (2014), KWDI.
- The5th National Reporton the Convention the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (2002), Ministry of Gender Equality.   - Research on Women’s Political Participation  
- Effect of Gender quota in Politics and Measures for Effectiveness (2016), KWDI.  
- A Study on the Measures to Increase the Number of  Women Candidates (2003), Seoul, Korea: : KWDI.