
Dool Soon Kim
Group Division for Gender Equality Research Position Research Fellow
Major/Work Public Administration Tel 02-3156-7165
Education - 2008.2 Ph.D in Public Administration, Ewha Woman’s University
- 1995.2: M.A in Women’s Studies, Ewha Woman’s University
- 1988.2. B.A. Dept. of French literature, Pusan University, Korea.
Career - 2009.2-present Research Fellow, Korean Women's Development Institute (KWDI)
- 2012. 3 ~ 2015. 8 Member, Committee on Proposal Screening, Gyeonggi-do Province
- 2011.4 ~ 2013.4 Member, Committee on Evaluation of Local Government, Ministry of Public Administration and Security
- 2019.1~2019.12 Visiting Researcher, Georgia of University, U.S.A
An area of study Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Impact Assessment, Women’s Policy, Analysis & evaluation on Policy, Women’s agriculture policy
Research performance (Research Project Reports)
- 2020 Evaluation of Civil Servants’ Capability on Gender Equality and Policy Suggestions : Focus on the Senior Civil Service
- 2020 The current situation of women construction workers and policy suggestions
- 2018 Review of the Effectiveness of Gender Impact Assessment and Development of its Cooperation System (IV): Focus on National Research Development Programmes
- 2018 Gender Inequalities in Health in Korea: Focusing on Elderly Care and Abuse
- 2017 Study on Development of Standard Model for Specific Gender Impact Analysis and Assessment Vitalization of Local Government
- 2017 Analysis and Evaluation of Gender Budgeting in Korea (Ⅲ)
- 2016 Study on the Current Status and Methods of Development for the Specific Gender Impact Assessment and Analysis
- 2015.01-2015.12 Management Strategies and Methods for Gender Impact Assessment following the Implementation of the Gender Impact Analysis and Assessment Act (Ⅲ): Development of Performance Index and Performance Analysis, (First Author), KWDI
- 2015.04-2015.12 Study on the Revitalization of Policy Improvement through Gender Impact Analysis and Assessment with a Storytelling Method, (Co-Author), KWDI
- 2014.01~2014.12 Management Strategies and Methods for Gender Impact Assessment following the Implementation of the Gender Impact Analysis and Assessment Act (Ⅱ): Analysis of Government Long-term Plans and Public Institutions in the Policy Areas of Culture and Agriculture/Forestry, (First Author), KWDI

(Research Articles)
- 2016.4 Rapid Growth-What’s Next for Gender Mainstreaming?: Analyzing the Gender Impact Assessment System in Korea. Vol. 37, Issue 2, pp:168-189, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy

- Work·Family·Gender: Industrialization and Work-Family Dilemma of Korea(Co-author)(Hanulbooks, 2009)
- Culture of Prejudice and Women's Leadership: A Role Model of Female Public Officials(Co-author)(DYMbooks, 2004)

- 2010 Institutionalization and Future Task of Local Government Gender Impact Assessment, The Korean Journal of Local Government Studies 14(2):55-81. The Korean Association for Local Government Studies
- 2010 Conditions and Strategies for Gender Impact Assessment, Issues in Feminism 10(1):285-333, KOREA WOMENS STUDIES INSTITUTE
- 2010 Gender-sensitive Analysis on the Supply of Military Uniforms, The Quarterly Journal of Defense Policy Studies, Vol.26, No.1, pp.241-278, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses
- 2008 Citizen Participation in the Local Public Health Decision Making: The Water Fluoridation Program in South Korea, The Korean Journal of Local Government Studies 12(3):173-194, The Korean Association for Local Government Studies
- 2007 A Case Study on the Enterprise’s Use of Women Labors and Work-Family Reconciliation Policies: K Textile Enterprise, Issues in Feminism 7(2):125-174, KOREA WOMENS STUDIES INSTITUTE