
Mi Young Gu
Group Division for Women's Employment Research Position Research Fellow
Major/Work Law Tel 02-3156-7031
Education - 2009.8 Ph.D in Labour Law, Seoul National University
- 2003.8 Masters of. Law, Seoul National University
- LLM in International Human Rights Law, Birkbeck College School of Law
Career - 2012.7~present Associate Research Fellow at KWDI
- 2009.8~2010.6 Post-Doctoral researcher at Institute for Gender and Law, Ewha Womans University Law School
- 2008.1~7 visiting researcher at the Centre for Feminist Legal Studies in UBCLawSchool
An area of study Labor Law, Gender Perspective in Employment Policy, Discrimination, Precarious Workers, Domestic Workers’ Rights
Research performance (Research Project Reports)
- Causes for Cover-Ups of Sexual Harassment in Public Offices and Suggestions for Improvement: With Focus on Central and Local Governments (2015)
- Human Rights Situation of Domestic Workers’ in Informal Sector (2015)
- Research on the Measures to Strengthen the Effectiveness of Women and Family-Related Legislations (Ⅲ): Examples of Legislation of Foreign Nations Concerning the Application of Employment Insurance to Part-time Workers (2015)
- Prevention of Workplace Bullying among Women Workers: Survey Analysis and Policy Suggestions (2015)
- A Study on the Improvement of Legal Framework on Protecting Domestic Workers (2013)
- Gender-Sensitive Analysis of Court Decisions Related to Women and Families, and Future Legislation (Ⅰ): Women's Labor Issues (2012)

(Research Articles) ■ Domestic Workers’ Status under Labor Law (2014)
- Comparative Analysis of Employment Discrimination Law in East Asian Countries: S.Korea, Japan and Taiwan (2012)
- Proving and Remedying Wage Discrimination (2012)
- A Study on Cortek Wage Discrimination Case Decision (2011)
- Comparative Study on Canadian Pay Equity Law (2011)
- Expanding the Statutory Definition of “Discrimination”in EEO Law (2010)
- Analysis: The Korean Supreme Court Decisions on Employment Discrimination (2009)