
Goals for female representation and implementation strategies for the incumbent government
Type Basic Period 2017
Manager Mee Kyung Moon Date 2018-01-10
Fiie 1139_Goals for female representation and implementation strategies for the incumbent government.pdf ( 79.61 KB )

Goals for female representation and implementation strategies for the incumbent government


Mee Kyung Moon

Nan Jue Kim

Hae Young Kim

Jun Seop Shim


Despite the high educational attainment and strong demand for social participation among women, female representation is significantly low across all areas of society in South Korea. With an increasing civic call for a fair society and heightened awareness of gender equality, the issue of promoting female representation is receiving greater attention. Against this backdrop, this research aims to review the status of female representation in both public and private sectors, to present targets for the next five years to improve female representation, and to suggest strategies to meet those targets.


This study is largely structured as the following. Chapter discusses the status of female workforce and female administrators in both public and private sectors. The public sector is focused on the five professional categories that are subject to the government’s Plan to Promote Female Representation in the Public Sector - that is, public servants, employees at public organizations, public university faculties, military officers, and law enforcement officers.


Chapter summarizes how the political efforts to improve female representation in the areas discussed in Chapter II have progressed. The content includes quotas for female administrators, affirmative action measures, and quotas for female professors in public universities. In Chapter , we attempt to predict the future progress in female representation in order to suggest goals for the next 5-year period. For this, we estimate the level of improvement in female representation from 2017 to 2022 based on the compound annual growth rates (CAGR) of the numbers of female workers and female administrators in each of the five areas in the recent five years. Then, the data are used to propose three goals. Chapter , which is the last chapter, proposes goals for promoting female representation for each area and related strategies to meet the goals. The goals were finalized based on the results of the simulation described in the previous chapter by considering a comprehensive range of factors including the implementation status of existing policies, composition of female human resources, and social expectations for each area. Furthermore, we suggest specific strategies to achieve the goals in each area and measures to promote work-life balance and create more supportive social and cultural environments.