
Linkage Strategies for Employment Success Package and Saeil Center(Career Development Center for career interrupted women)
Type Occasional Period 2015
Manager Oh, Eunjin Date 2016-01-05
Fiie 수시_2015-11_Linkage Strategies for Employment Success Package and Saeil Center(Career Development Center for career interrupted women).pdf ( 77.64 KB )

Linkage Strategies for Employment Success Package and Saeil Center

(Career Development Center for career interrupted women)


Oh, Eunjin
Choi, Yoonjung
Oh, Minhong


This research aims to discuss how to cooperate or differentiate between the Employment Success Package and the New Job Centers projects by examining the environmental factors for two policies. In other words, the research analyses similarities and differences of these services in phases focusing on linking two systems so that the two policy projects can produce synergic effects. Specifically, in revising the guidelines for the New Job Center projects, the research discusses about the performance-based reward system and its public nature.

The research has the following contents:

First, it analyzes the background to implement the Employment Success Package and the New Job Center projects and methods of project operation in parallel, and presents a summary of their similarities and differences.

Second, it analyzes job features and employment effects by the demographic, economic, and social characteristics of women eligible for the Employment Success Package projects and users of the New Job Centers.

Third, it analyzes the actual conditions in phases and effects of the Employment Success Package projects and participants in the New Job Centers as manifest in the field.

Fourth, it presents policy measures to promote the performance of the projects through synergic effects linking the Employment Success Package and the New Job Center projects.

The results of the analysis show that the two projects may have overlapping services as they are similar in operation methods in the project design phase. However, in carrying out the two projects, they have considerable differences in the target groups and performing process.

Employment Success Package projects I and II are designed to incorporate packages from phase 1 to 3. Vocational counsellors focus on phase 1 when they should take the lead. When they complete this phase, the portion of counseling is raised with allocation of support funds. On the other hand, the New Job Center projects put more focus on job placement and employment than counseling. The results of analyzing the distribution of participants in the two projects by area show that job-seekers participating in services provided by the New Job Centers are much diverse in groups than those people covered by the Employment Success Packages.

In the final analysis, classification of career-interrupted women is needed to link the two projects. Also, delivery systems should be restructured to take charge of specialized services. In fact, women those whose careers are interrupted in the long term and who want to redesign their careers need to be supported with additional policies by designating them as cases subject to management.