
Ki Taek Jeon
Group Division for Work and Life Research Position General manager
Major/Work Sociology Tel 02-3156-7178
Education - Ph.D. in Sociology, Hanyang University, Seoul,  Korea
- M.A. in Sociology, Hanyang University, Seoul,  Korea
- B.A. in Management, Chungbuk University, Seoul,  Korea
Career - Lecturer, Hanyang University, Daejin University
An area of study Gender-sensitive statistics, women’s labor
Research performance - Research on the development and measurement of gender equality indicators for the military organization  
- 2016 research on the gender-sensitive improvement of government-approved statistics
- Monitoring and development of gender-sensitive statistics policies via international comparisons
- Analysis of the level of regional gender equality  
- Operation of gender-sensitive statistics systems  
- Development of criteria for choosing distinguished businesses in the use of women resources
- 2012 design of a questionnaire for surveying the status of multi-cultural families across the nation: in-depth survey and research  
- Research on ways to improve statistics on violence against women
- Korea’s gender equality report  
- Analysis and expansion of government-approved gender-sensitive statistics
- Development of social cohesion indicators for male and female international marriage immigrants
- Status of the graded retirement age system in public agencies and ways to reduce discrimination
- Research on connections among gender-sensitive statistics, gender impact assessments, and gender-sensitive budgeting in local governments.
- Sample design for the 2013 National Survey of Multi-cultural Families and ways to improve related statistics  
- Development of indicators for women with disabilities  
- Survey and analysis of the living conditions of comfort women and their satisfaction with policy measures
- Monitoring and improvement of gender segregation in statistics not approved by the government  
- Gender analysis of the budget for engineer and scientist training support projects
- Production of statistics for solidifying the foundation for work-life balance
- Ways to manage gender equality indicators for the improvement of national competitiveness
- Mid-to-long-term action plans for gender statistics
- Monitoring and improvement of the production and use of gender statistics