
Bok Tae Kim
Group Division for Family Policy Research Position Research Fellow
Major/Work Public Administration Tel 02-3156-7186
Education - Ph.D. in Public Administration, Florida State University, U.S.A.
- M.A. in Public Administration, Yonsei University, Seoul,  Korea
Career - 12/2009~Now Research Fellow, Korean Women’s Development Institute
- 8/2004~4/2009 Florida State University Askew School RA/TA
Research performance (2015)
- Research on Implementation Plans for Reinforcing Employment Competency of Marriage Immigrants
- Research in the Measure to Strengthen the Effectiveness of Political Candidates' Gender Quota System: The Achievement and its Limitation
- A study on the utilization of childcare leave of public servants in local governments
- Developing a Measurement Index and Analyzing Importance for Women-Friendly Cooperatives : Focused on AHP Analysis
- A Study of the Development Process of Local Employment Governance : A Case of Regional Committee of Labor, Management, Civic Groups, Government in Bucheon
- The Support System of Cooperatives in Quebec and its Policy Implications
- A research on discrimination in personnel management as using the parental leave and flexible working in government secto
- Research on the Activation of Affirmative Action(AA) in the Public Sector(Ⅱ)
- A study on the Development Plan of Women-Friendly Cooperatives
- The Study on Strategically Developing Future Female Talent
- Is Institutional Change in Forms of American Local Government Functional, Isomorphic, or Path Dependent
- A Three Order Network Governance Framework and Public Network Development: Evidence from Community-Based Care(CBC) Networks in Florida
- Power and Cognitiv Accuracy in Local Emergency Management Networks